The European College of Gerodontology:
Constitution and Bye-Laws
Amended 2016

  1. Name

    The title of this society shall be “The European College of Gerodontology” or shortened to the acronym “ECG”.
    The term gerodontology is used in this constitution to describe the practice, study and discussion of all topics which are relevant to dental and oral care for older patients.

  2. Objectives
    1. To promote and advance the practice of Gerodontology for the benefit of patients
    2. To promote education and study in all aspects of Gerodontology
    3. To promote scholarship and research, including the presentation and publication of findings, pertaining to Gerodontology
    4. To provide a European forum for contact between all those sharing an interest in Gerodontology, including other academic organisations, patient organizations and laypersons with a keen interest in the subject
    5. To foster international cooperation on scholarship and research in gerodontology
    6. To promote a multidisciplinary approach to Gerodontology
    7. To provide a European organisation to advocate for Gerodontology
    8. To further the interests of Gerodontology with European and International organisations who control provision of dental services for older patients
  3. Membership

    The European College of Gerodontology shall consist of Ordinary and Honorary Members.

    1. Ordinary membership 
      The ordinary membership may be unlimited in number. Ordinary membership shall be open to those who hold an interest in Gerodontology. Prospective members should make a formal application prior to the Annual General Meeting. A membership application and payment form should be sent to the Treasurer of the European College of Gerodontology Those who are already members of a national gerodontological organization will on application automatically be eligible for membership. Application for membership shall be approved by the Annual General Meeting.
    2. Honorary membership 
      This may be conferred on those who have provided distinguished service to further knowledge of Gerodontology or have otherwise advanced the interests of Gerodontology. Honorary membership will be proposed by the Council and ratified at the Annual General Meeting by a vote. This category of membership shall be restricted and the number of Honorary memberships shall be at the discretion of the Council.
    3. Corporate member is a category of membership which will allow supporting groups and organisations to be affiliated to the European College of Gerodontology e.V. on approval of the Board and confirmed by the Annual General Meeting.
  4. Council

    The Council of the European College of Gerodontology shall consist of a President, a President Elect, an Immediate Past President, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, Website Editor, and three elected Councillors. The term of office of the President, the President Elect and the Immediate Past President shall be 1 business year. The term of office of the Treasurer, the Secretary, the web editor, and the three elected Councillors shall be 3 business years.
    The election of the Council members shall take place at the discretion of the Secretary and will be ratified at the Annual General Meeting.
    Nominations of members of the Council must be made in writing to the Secretary, in advance of the Annual General Meeting. A nomination for President Elect must be signed by four members from at least two different countries. The nomination must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae for the nominee and a statement of willingness to stand. The nominations will be considered by the Council and the selected President Elect shall be ratified at the Annual General Meeting.

  5. Duties of Officers
    1. The President shall work together with the members of the Council to develop policy and effective working methods for the association in order to pursue the association’s stated objectives. The President shall preside at all meetings. In the event of absence of the President his internal functions are to be observed by the President Elect and, in the absence of the President Elect, by the Immediate Past President. The President Elect will succeed to the Presidency at the end of the term of office, when the President will become the Immediate Past President.
    2. The Secretary shall conduct the business of the society as Council may from time to time direct, keep minutes of all meetings, keep a list of names and addresses of all members (both honorary and ordinary) and make a written report on the work of the society to the Annual General Meeting.
    3. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep account of monies received and all payments made and shall give a written report of the finances of the European College of Gerodontology and present the audited accounts, to the Council and Annual General Meeting.
    4. The Website Editor will organise and maintain the European College of Gerodontology website as a tool for sharing the work of the society and communicating with members. The website editor shall submit a written report the Annual General Meeting.
  6. Executive Committee

    The President, the President Elect, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall constitute the Executive Committee which shall conduct the business of the European College of Gerodontology in the intervals between Council Meetings.

  7. Subscriptions

    Subscriptions shall be payable on admission to the European College of Gerodontology and subsequently in January of each year. The subscription amount shall be recommended by the Council (on advice from the Treasurer) and approved by the members at the Annual General Meeting.
    Honorary members are exempt from payment of subscriptions.

  8. Annual General Meeting This shall take place on instigation of the President and shall have the following agenda:

    1. The minutes of the preceding meeting
    2. The election of Officers
    3. The election of new members
    4. The report of the President
    5. The report of the Secretary
    6. The report of the Treasurer
    7. The report of the Website Editor
    8. The next Annual General Meeting
    9. Any other business
  9. Language

    The official language of all meetings of the European College of Gerodontology shall be English.

  10. Visitors

    A member may introduce not more than two visitors to a Conference, but not to an Annual General Meeting. The same visitor may not be admitted to more than two successive Conferences.

  11. Withdrawal of membership

    Any member whose subscription is in arrears for two complete years shall be deemed to have forfeited membership and must be re-nominated at an Annual General Meeting and pay the appropriate subscription.

  12. Amendments

    Amendments to the Constitution can only be made at an Annual General Meeting. Proposed amendments must be notified to the Secretary at least two months before the Meeting at which they are to be considered, and must be approved by a three quarter majority of the members present. If the same proposal is submitted at the next Annual General Meeting, a simple majority will suffice.

  13. Rescission of the association ECG

    Upon the rescission the profits and capital of the European College of Gerodontology (ECG) will be allocated to the non-governmental organization (NGO) "The Gerodontology Association" with headquarters in Geneva or another legal entity with place of business in Switzerland which is tax exempt for common public interest or charity.

Gerodontology Journal

Gerodontology Journal

Official Journal of the Gerodontology Association

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ECG Research Award